
Rain Making

Sounds like – Rein My King

It’s time


Above – clouds and rain following the songlines (Earth’s meridians of subtle energy currents)

Rainmaking is an ancient art, practiced by many traditional cultures who lived daily an intimate, sacred, balanced relationship with Earth.

“We are finding that the Uni-Verse is composed not of matter, but of music” … Professor Donald Hatch Andrews “Symphony of Matter”

You can make rain

Are you living this way ?  Can you help bring more respect, compassion, balance and harmony (peace) into your life and community ?

Science is now measuring the subtle energies of the forces, and energies that create rain. These include localized Earth magnetic fields and songlines (telluric currents).  Our human bodies are key energy transformers that can help this process.

When we build our ability to respond to life’s challenges and pressures, (like drought, war, loss, invasion) we are more response-able, and raise the ability of all life – as Nelson Mandela reminded us.

Teaching Tools and Rainmaking Workshops

Important high energy sites are abandoned, and neglected. this one is part of the energy line that enables rain to western Queensland.

Your body runs on an electrical system that needs to be Earthed.

Is your body and your land “in charge” or in “re-volt” with reduced potential ?

See an explanation of Rainmaking at … http://www.soulinvitation.com/rain

Action Steps

  • Know You have choice every moment to create and project more harmony or less harmony – to increasingly be “in tune” with your nature or not.
  • Arrange a WORKSHOP OR PRESENTATION in Your area – see pdf
  • See the movie “What the Bleep do we Know”
  • See Sacred Sites/Sacred Sounds  
  • Attend the next meeting
  • Register Your Interest 
  • Buy a “Rainmaking Toolkit” at Rain Songs
  • Be the change you want to see

Future Rainmaking events – Email your Expression of Interest

See  Rain Songs

See full NEWS report – “Rain Songs” Break Drought  Word Doc

Stay tuned – Join our Newsletter [email protected] 



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