
Rain Songs Break Drought !

New words to old songs tell how to bring vitality & rain to Australia.

In the beginning is the word – and the words were sung with power and passion the night before the heaviest rainfalls in over a year were experienced across NSW. An Avalon singing group, “A’Cappella ‘Round the Bends” sang a series of “Rainmaking” songs written by Richard O’Neill for “Ocean to Outback” .The songs were written with new words to well known tunes, with the intention of enabling people, including kids and communities, to quickly “sing-up” and revitalize themselves and the environment.

Rainmaking and Singing Up the Land are powerful processes practiced by most indigenous cultures to enrich the environment. Avalon, on Sydney’s northern beaches was the sing-up centre on Monday night, and experienced the highest rainfall recorded as the drought broke in metropolitan Sydney. Rain has been falling across large areas of the state since the sing-up, quelling bush fires and revitalizing communities.

You can dismiss this as co-incidence, or remember the synchronistic moments in your life when you felt connected to the web of life, and knew something bigger was going on. Is this rain co-incidence, or a message?

Aboriginal Elder, Beryl Carmichael says – “My father, the late Jack Kelly was the last rainmaker in the Broken Hill area – singing & chanting is very powerful – it comes straight from within the soul in our language – we sing up fish, rain, and are the custodians of the birthing song of this region”

Karen Ashworth, Singtherapist and conductor of “A Cappella ‘Round the Bends”, believes in the power of the human voice for healing and wellbeing. ” If we focus our intention through our voices as we sing, then real healing and wellbeing is possible. In fact anything is possible through the combined intent of groups and communities, large or small! This gathering and focusing of intention, amplifies its effects beyond measure. We, together can heal our land, our planet, and ourselves” says Karen.

Richard O’Neill, the author of the songs says, “The original caretakers of our country knew the importance of singing up the land, and the songlines. If more people do this, we can more quickly restore balance and flow in our dying rivers, and vitality to our land and bodies” Richard, who runs training & workshops teaching these principles says. “There is an ancient story of vitality and peace coming back to this country, and Earth, told in Aboriginal stories – we would do well to listen to people who carry the wisdom of the longest surviving culture on earth. My work is re-vitalizing people and businesses by showing them how to more deeply connect with their “soul” by deeper connection with Earth, for higher value outcomes including “Triple Bottom Line” outcomes. This is the way to a more vital future – after all our bodies are an electrical system that works better when grounded! – maybe this is what  to “heal” really means – to connect with Earth.

“Time appears to be accelerating says Richard, because we sense time through connection to Earth’s underlying frequencies, which are increasing according to recent research.

Ancient cultures predicted & recorded significant Earth changes around these times, which is why the Mayan calender ends in 2012 – things are hotting up as September 11 reminded us! It’s time to be clear and purposeful in our actions.

Creation is a two way flow between “heaven and earth” or sun/earth energies. Humans and trees are “transformers” of this energy flow, which creates higher value outcomes if we stay “tuned”. “Rhythm is the carrier of  life” says Rudolf Steiner. Intentionally directed sound is a powerful tool able to restore dis-eased bodies and environments to harmony and higher vitality and creativity.

Now you can bring great “Presence” and new vitality to your place for with Rain Songs from “Ocean to Outback”.

Five percent of CD sales supports Country & Kimberley Kids projects.

See the latest links and news at the website or call 0417 244 600.

Details contact Richard O’Neill   Tel 0417 244 600